HomeAboutThe Stories Continue

The Stories Continue

The Journey of Commander Savage

Audiences are always eager to know how Commander Mohammed Savage has progressed on his journey of reconciliation. Click here to read about the dramatic unfolding of events in Tombodu. Then, watch the exclusive footage of his return home in Epilogue: Savage’s Apology.

Finally, take a look at how Captain Savage has continued to promote peace by watching a short video of a workshop he helped facilitate with dozens of ex-combatants in the Waterloo community.


Students Around the World Embrace Fambul Tok’s Messages

Students in schools in the United States and Sierra Leone are talking about what Fambul Tok means to them. Watch a video collection (Kids Tok Peace) of their reflections, thoughts and messages of hope to each other.



Fambul Tok Inspires National Unity and Peaceful Elections

Wan Fambul/One Family Promo Video

Sierra Leonean superstars Bajah + The Dry Eye Crew mobilized Sierra Leone to support peaceful national elections with their 2012 song “Wi Na Wan Fambul”. 

This song is also the opening track on the Wan Fambul/One Family Benefit Album, available now with your donation to Fambul Tok.


Dispatches From the Front Lines of Peace

While the Fambul Tok film is finished, the stories it tells are not. You can follow the progress of the characters and places from the film on this page.  For the most timely updates on the program, read our blog, Dispatches from the Front Lines of Peace.

Building Bonfires Around the World

New stories are also being created by people who see the film and are inspired to take action in their own lives.  We will be sharing these stories with you on this page, so check back soon!

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